Needle Free Injections




Blocks & Infiltration, Efficient Anaesthesia

Recommended Version - Comfort-in™ Soft. 

Contrary to conventional local anaesthesia injection methods, infiltration with Comfort-in™ delivers the local anaesthetic submucously down the periosteum.

This leads to a more rapid diffusion and resorption and a quicker rise to the effective concentrations. The past decades have been dedicated to research and development in collaboration with dentists to develop a solution for local anaesthesia, without using needles. The solution is to apply a local anaesthetic in the mucous membrane where it is spreading in the deeper layers of the gums, creating a sufficient effect much faster than the anaesthesia needle. Many clinical trials have proved that drug distribution is done in a more suitable way than using a traditional syringe (multi-jet technology). The given doses are definitely much lower and the risk of side effects is considerably reduced.

For most of us, the thought of a needle when going to the dentist is something we dread. But, with needle free dental injections, you can put that fear to rest.

Feel the Difference with the Comfort-in™



Studies when patients are asked to list the most important factors used when selecting a dentist, the 2 most important are: (1) a dentist who does not hurt and (2) a painless injection.

There is a trend among dentists toward the use of smaller-diameter needles on the assumption that they are less traumatic to the patient than larger-diameter needles. However, studies dating back to 1972 show this assumption to be unwarranted.4–9 Hamburg4 reported that patients are unable to differentiate among 23-, 25-, 27-, and 30-gauge needles. Fuller and colleagues5 reported no significant differences in the perception of pain produced by 25-, 27-, and 30-gauge needles during inferior alveolar nerve blocks in adults

To prevent accidental intravascular injection, aspiration must be performed before the deposition of any significant volume of local anesthetic.

Posterior Superior Alveolar
The posterior superior alveolar (PSA) injection will anesthetize the maxillary molars except for the mesiobuccal aspect of the first molar

Middle Superior Alveolar
The middle superior alveolar (MSA) injection will anesthetize the mesiobuccal aspect of the maxillary first molar, both premolars, PDL, buccal bone, and periosteum, along with the soft tissue lateral to this area

Anterior Superior Alveolar
The ASA injection will anesthetize the PDL, alveolar bone, periosteum, buccal soft tissue, and teeth from the canine to the midline

Greater Palatine
The greater palatine (GP) injection will anesthetize the tissues of the hard palate from its most distal aspect, anteriorly to the distal of the canine, and laterally to the midline

The nasopalatine (NP) injection will anesthetize the tissues of the palatal aspect of the premaxilla.

Inferior Alveolar
The inferior alveolar (IA) injection will anesthetize the mandibular teeth from the third molar to the midline, the buccal soft tissue from the premolars anteriorly, the body of the mandible, the periosteum, the PDL, and the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the chin and lower lip, all on the ipsilateral side.

The lingual nerve block will anesthetize the lingual gingiva, floor of the mouth, and tongue from the third molar anteriorly to the midline.
The buccal injection will anesthetize the buccal soft tissue lateral to the mandibular molars.

Second Division
The entire maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve is anesthetized from either of 2 intraoral approaches, but most frequently the second division (V2) is approached via the GP canal.